Module CamlGI.Expires

module Expires: sig .. end
Dates conforming RFC 1123

val make : int -> string
make s generates an a date s seconds from now in fixed format (RFC 1123). s may be negative. The date format is suitable used for e.g. a HTTP 'Expires' header -- if s < 0, it means the page expires in the past, and should be removed from content caches.
val past : unit -> string
Generate an date in the past (in theory this forces caches along the way to remove content).
val short : unit -> string
Generate a date now + 5 minutes. This can typically be used for pages containing news which is updated frequently.
val medium : unit -> string
Generate a date now + 24 hours. This can be used for content generated from a database which doesn't change much.
val long : unit -> string
Generate a date now + 2 years. This should be used for content which really will never change.