A | |
arg_parse [Netcgi_ajp] | arg_parse speclist anon_fun usage_msg parses the command line
and return an associative list describing the content of the
property file (see Netcgi_ajp.props_of_file ).
C | |
cgi_with_args [Netcgi_common] | cgi_with_args (new cgi) env out op ?put_arg in_chan constructs
a Netcgi.cgi object.
clone [Netcgi.Argument] | |
comment [Netcgi_common.Cookie] |
Returns the comment associated to the cookie or
"" if it
does not exists.
comment_url [Netcgi_common.Cookie] |
Returns the comment URL associated to the cookie or
"" if it
does not exists.
D | |
decode [Netcgi_common.Url] | |
default_config [Netcgi] |
The default configuration is:
tmp_directory : one of /var/tmp, /tmp, C:\temp, current directory., tmp_prefix : "netcgi", permitted_http_methods : `GET , `HEAD , `POST ., permitted_input_content_types : "multipart/form-data" ,
"application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ., input_content_length_limit : maxint (i.e., no limit)., workarounds : all of them.
To create a custom configuration, it is recommended to use this syntax:
let custom_config = { default_config with tmp_prefix = "my_prefix" }
(This syntax is also robust w.r.t.
dest_url_encoded_parameters [Netcgi_common.Url] | |
domain [Netcgi_common.Cookie] | |
domain [Netcgi.Cookie] |
The domain of the cookie, if set.
E | |
encode [Netcgi_common.Url] | |
exn_handler_default [Netcgi_common] | exn_handler_default env ~exn_handler ~finally run_cgi will
basically execute exn_handler env run_cgi .
F | |
fix_MSIE_Content_type_bug [Netcgi_common] | fix_MSIE_Content_type_bug ct transforms the content-type
string ct to fix the MSIE Content-Type bug.
G | |
get [Netcgi_common.Cookie] |
Decode the cookie header, may they be version 0 or 1.
I | |
is_MSIE [Netcgi_common] | is_MSIE user_agent tells whether the user_agent is Microsoft
Internet Explorer.
is_cgi [Netcgi_cgi] | is_cgi says whether the script is run in a CGI environment.
is_prefix [Netcgi_common] | is_prefix pre s checks whether pre is a prefix of s .
M | |
make [Netcgi_common.Cookie] | |
make [Netcgi.Cookie] | make ?expires ?domain ?path ?secure name value creates a new
cookie with name name holding value .
max_age [Netcgi_common.Cookie] |
The expiration time of the cookie, in seconds.
mime [Netcgi.Argument] | mime_arg ?name msg creates a MIME-structured CGI argument
called name with contents msg .
mk_url_encoded_parameters [Netcgi_common.Url] | |
N | |
name [Netcgi_common.Cookie] | |
name [Netcgi.Cookie] |
The name of the cookie.
O | |
of_record [Netcgi_common.Cookie] |
Conversion from the deprecated style of cookie.
P | |
path [Netcgi_common.Cookie] | |
path [Netcgi.Cookie] |
The path of the cookie, if set.
ports [Netcgi_common.Cookie] | |
ports [Netcgi.Cookie] | port c the ports to which the cookie may be returned or [] if
not set.
props_of_file [Netcgi_ajp] | props_of_file fname parses the property file fname and
returns it as an associative list.
R | |
rev_split [Netcgi_common] | split_rev is_delim s split s at each character is_delim
and returns the list of substrings in reverse order.
rm_htspace [Netcgi_common] | rm_htspace is_space s low up returns the substring s.[low
.. up - 1] stripped of possible heading and trailing spaces
identified by the function is_space .
run [Netcgi_test] | |
run [Netcgi_scgi] | run f executes f cgi for each SCGI request.
run [Netcgi_mod] | run f register the function f as a main function of the
run [Netcgi_ajp] | run f executes f cgi for each AJP request.
run [Netcgi_fcgi] | run f register the function f as a main function of the
run [Netcgi_cgi] | run f executes f cgi for each cgi request.
S | |
search [Netcgi_common.KMP] | search pat define a search function f such that f s i0
i1 search the string pat in s.[i0 .. i1-1] and return the
position of the first match.
search_case_fold [Netcgi_common.KMP] | search_case_fold is the same as search except that the
search is case insensitive.
secure [Netcgi_common.Cookie] |
Tells whether the cookie is secure.
set [Netcgi_common.Cookie] | set http_header cookies sets the cookies in http_header
using version 0 or version 1 depending on whether version 1
fields are used.
set [Netcgi.Argument] | set new_args args creates a list of argument from args
deleting the arguments whose name appears in new_args and
adding the new_args arguments.
set_comment [Netcgi_common.Cookie] | |
set_comment [Netcgi.Cookie] | set_comment c s sets the comment of the cookie c to s
which must be UTF-8 encoded (RFC 2279).
set_comment_url [Netcgi_common.Cookie] | |
set_comment_url [Netcgi.Cookie] | set_comment_url c url same as Netcgi.Cookie.set_comment
except that the cookie comment is available on the page
pointed by url .
set_domain [Netcgi_common.Cookie] | |
set_domain [Netcgi.Cookie] |
Cookies are bound to a certain domain, i.e.
set_max_age [Netcgi_common.Cookie] | |
set_max_age [Netcgi.Cookie] | set_max_age c (Some t) sets the lifetime of the cookie c
to t seconds.
set_path [Netcgi_common.Cookie] | |
set_path [Netcgi.Cookie] |
Cookies are also bound to certain path prefixes, i.e.
set_ports [Netcgi_common.Cookie] | |
set_ports [Netcgi.Cookie] | set ports c (Some p) says that the cookie c must only be
returned if the server request comes from one of the listed
set_secure [Netcgi_common.Cookie] | |
set_secure [Netcgi.Cookie] |
Cookies are also bound to the type of the web server:
set_secure false means servers without SSL, set_secure
true means servers with activated SSL ("https").
set_value [Netcgi_common.Cookie] | |
set_value [Netcgi.Cookie] | set_value c v sets the value of the cookie c to v .
simple [Netcgi.Argument] | simple_arg name value creates an unstructured CGI argument
called name with contents value .
string_of_request_method [Netcgi_common] | |
T | |
to_record [Netcgi_common.Cookie] |
Conversion to the deprecated style of cookie (some parameters
are dropped).
U | |
update_props_inheader [Netcgi_common] | update_props_inheader (name, value) (props, inheader) returns
(props, inheader) to which the new parameter name -value
has been added -- to props or inheader , depending on name .
V | |
value [Netcgi_common.Cookie] | |
value [Netcgi.Cookie] |
The value of the cookie.